Today was my last day of classes for summer term and my only final is at 3 on Friday. It will be nice to have a tiny break for a while; hopefully I can relax a bit, finish this diet and rebound from the detox. I start teaching on the 27th so that will be fun.
Not a lot to report today, I felt a whole lot better now that I drank a protein shake. I think I am going to drink a half of one every day for the rest of this diet. I don’t think I will lose as much weight as I would without them, but right now I am concerned with the health repercussions if I don’t.
My hunny is graduating with his Masters in Physics Education degree this weekend and we are having a get together with some friends to celebrate...and guess who gets to cook? ME. Its going to be so tempting, and I know I am going to want to snack and cheat a little, but I am confident that I have enough self control...I can be a good girl.
Anywho, like I said, not much to report...sleepy time!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
It's a doozy when your dizzy
You know when you get up to fast and you get that funny head rush thing where you semi black out and you have to stop where you're at, regain your balance, and go "Woah, Head Rush!" Yeah, that was me all day today. I literally felt like I had a perma-head rush was about to pass out all day long. So, the boyfriend and I got concerned, called my doctor, and she said it was because it was a lack of protein in my diet. We went to Costco, bought some protein shakes called Muscle Milk (supposed to be really good stuff), and I am going to start having one of those every day or every other day depending on how I feel. I just hope I start to feel better soon because I've got finals this week and I need to be focused and able to concentrate. Yikes. Anyway, today is day 13 and I am right on schedule with 13 pounds down...woo hoo.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Boredom...nothing flowers can't fix
Today I woke up feeling like I was stuck in a I've reached a plateau or something. I'm bored with the diet, I'm bored with the "food", but at least I'm still losing weight. In light of these feelings...I decided that I deserved a reward for being suck a good girl lately, so I did two things...One: a reward of entertainment, and Two: a reward of pampering. What did she do, you ask? I went to the gun range and shot 100 rounds (not only entertaining...but a FANTASTIC stress reliever) and then I went to Market of Choice and bought myself a luscious, sweet smelling, beautiful bouquet of flowers. It was just the pat on the back I needed to perk up and see the light at the end of the tunnel.
So, to whoever is on this diet right now...Go buy yourself some flowers, you've earned it!
So, to whoever is on this diet right now...Go buy yourself some flowers, you've earned it!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Take Me Out To The Ball Game...
Popcorn has never smelled so good in my entire life! Tonight we went to our town's minor league baseball game. It was super fun but freakin' challenging as far as testing my will power goes...BUT I am proud to say I was a good girl. I sat idly by and sipped my water (3 bottles total) as others around me ate popcorn, hotdogs, beer, nachos, ice cream, and everything I am supposed to avoid. It all smelled so good, but I really didn't have any desire to eat any of it...except for the popcorn...popcorn is my to say NO to my vice was a BIG thing, very empowering actually! It’s interesting how important the SMELL of things have become to me on this deit/detox. My hunny got a hot dog and nachos, and all I wanted to do was smell them...not eat them, just smell...after I got a good long whiff of both I was satisfied...weird, huh?
SO, today marks the end of day know what that means, right?! I'm over half way done!!! WOO HOO (mini happy dance in celebration of me!) I think mid-days are the hardest for me right now, I usually get a little sluggish and bored...and dread having to clean my juicer...I really hate that. BUT there is a lovely juice bar right down the street from my place, pretty snazzy. Other than that, I feel great, I know I am losing weight because I can SEE it coming off, and I can certainly tell a difference in my attitude and the way I carry/present myself (I actually caught a [pretty cute] guy oogling me today at the Market of Choice (instant ego boost) :o)
STATS: Day 11, our contender is weighing in at 154...that’s 12 pounds down! aww, shucks...Im gettin' skinny!
SO, today marks the end of day know what that means, right?! I'm over half way done!!! WOO HOO (mini happy dance in celebration of me!) I think mid-days are the hardest for me right now, I usually get a little sluggish and bored...and dread having to clean my juicer...I really hate that. BUT there is a lovely juice bar right down the street from my place, pretty snazzy. Other than that, I feel great, I know I am losing weight because I can SEE it coming off, and I can certainly tell a difference in my attitude and the way I carry/present myself (I actually caught a [pretty cute] guy oogling me today at the Market of Choice (instant ego boost) :o)
STATS: Day 11, our contender is weighing in at 154...that’s 12 pounds down! aww, shucks...Im gettin' skinny!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Days 8 & 9

OOPS, look what I forgot to do last night...Blog! Oh well...But to sum up days 8 and 9, the words, stress, stress, more stress, and finally relief come to mind. My hunny is a teacher and some big career and life choices were made in the past 24 hours...all of which I think I slept one hour total. EEK, but we are happy with the decisions made and have some EXTREMELEY exciting things happening in the near future. (If you haven't guessed I am in graduate school to become a teacher as well)...Oh how cute...a little teaching couple...yeah, that's our life.
ANYWAY, I am glad to get that off my chest, he's accepted a job that is going to make us both very happy! Goodbye least I hope so. Needless to say, with all of this stress surrounding my life lately, I haven't kept a regimented eating--ok, more like drinking schedule. Its been pretty sporadic for me as far as when I drink the supplements, when I juice, and have soup, etc. BUT I have not cheated, and I have stuck strictly to the diet. If anything I have been consuming less than recommended...which I suppose may be a bad thing. The stress is gone now and starting tomorrow I am going to be able to get back into my normal routine, which I am very excited about.
Days 8 & 9 proved to be very energizing days...and that says a lot considering I haven't gotten much sleep. I feel great, I am definitely noticing a difference in my body, people I know are starting to make comments, "My gosh, have you lost weight?!" "You look incredible!"---all I can do is smile and think to myself..."oh yeah? This is only the half way point...wait till you see me 11 days from now!"
This diet really has been a huge confidence booster for me, and the results that I am seeing make me even more motivated to press through and continue with even more healthy weight loss. There is something about this diet that just makes you feel good about yourself, your will power, and it really makes you evaluate your personal relationship with food itself.
Right now I feel like I have reached a point where I am thinking clearly, I am excited for the next 12 days, and I am more than confident that I can make this a successful and positive experience...even though it was touch and go for a while... :o)
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
B Monster
Stress, stress, glorious stress! That's all I have to say for today.
Just kidding, but seriously, stress...I think that's why I haven't been very hungry lately...which I guess could be considered a good thing. In efforts to counteract the insane fatigue I've been experiencing in the past couple days I tried Kate's suggestion and drank about half of an Odwalla B Monster drink...honestly I feel a lot better. So THANK YOU Kate for the advice, I really appreciate it!
Well, it is the end of day 7 and I am down 9 pounds...pretty good if you ask me!
Not much to report today, just stress...oh so much stress.
Just kidding, but seriously, stress...I think that's why I haven't been very hungry lately...which I guess could be considered a good thing. In efforts to counteract the insane fatigue I've been experiencing in the past couple days I tried Kate's suggestion and drank about half of an Odwalla B Monster drink...honestly I feel a lot better. So THANK YOU Kate for the advice, I really appreciate it!
Well, it is the end of day 7 and I am down 9 pounds...pretty good if you ask me!
Not much to report today, just stress...oh so much stress.
Monday, August 6, 2007
6 days down, 15 to go!
Today I felt extremely fatigued, depleted, and sleepy. I had a headache and stomach ache all day long, because of that I was only able to get down one berry drink in the morning, one green drink in afternoon, and a few bottles of water. Probably not the most healthy for me, but you live and you learn.
Anywho...tomorrow is another day, right?! and it has to be better than today...because I have class all day tomorrow--eek!
Anywho...tomorrow is another day, right?! and it has to be better than today...because I have class all day tomorrow--eek!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
...and Milkshakes and Pizza and Beer, Oh MY
Day 5 is coming to a close, and if I had to describe today’s events in one word...that word would be...(drum roll please)...CRAVINGS!!! I don't know what it was or why it happened, but all I could think about was BAD FOR ME FOOD. Oddly enough, I had the cravings, but I didn't really have a desire to actually EAT any of the foods, more just to smell them...does that make sense? Nevertheless, I was strong, oh so very strong, and didn't phone the Pizza Delivery boy. Instead, I only had one berry drink, some tea, a green drink, and my soup today. I was too busy today with homework and group presentation meetings to even remember to eat...again, in keeping with the freak of nature that I am, I wasn't hungry at all today. Maybe that's why I had so many cravings...I was hallucinating! But seriously, how flippin' delicious does a blackberry milkshake sound right now?
Despite the cravings, I am, shockingly, being a very VERY good girl. I went for a mile walk this morning, did my 8 min abs, arms, and legs, and then went for about a 2 mile walk tonight with my boyfriend to Blockbuster and back. Right now we are watching 300, and it is pretty pick was "Catch and Release" but that didn't fly (and it wasn’t my turn to pick anyway...but a friendly suggestion never hurts, right?).
As of tonight I am down 6 pounds in 5 days, I have not cheated (Promise, cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die), and I can really really really tell a difference in my body, especially in my face and on my tummy. My chipmunk cheeks are gone and I am starting (I emphasize starting) to flatten out around the abs. Nice work for 5 days if ya ask me!
Despite the cravings, I am, shockingly, being a very VERY good girl. I went for a mile walk this morning, did my 8 min abs, arms, and legs, and then went for about a 2 mile walk tonight with my boyfriend to Blockbuster and back. Right now we are watching 300, and it is pretty pick was "Catch and Release" but that didn't fly (and it wasn’t my turn to pick anyway...but a friendly suggestion never hurts, right?).
As of tonight I am down 6 pounds in 5 days, I have not cheated (Promise, cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die), and I can really really really tell a difference in my body, especially in my face and on my tummy. My chipmunk cheeks are gone and I am starting (I emphasize starting) to flatten out around the abs. Nice work for 5 days if ya ask me!
Day 4...Or really really early day 5
I spent my day painting our cabin on the coast-tough work so I didn't even have time to think about being hungry or keeping my schedule. Amazingly, I am still not hungry, but I am sad I missed my yummy soup tonight. I brought my juicer with me so I was able to juice a cucumber, some carrots, celery, and tomatoes...D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!
STATS: Our fearless contender is weighing in at 161 pounds, down 5 pounds and extremely inspired, hopeful, and (as it is 1am...)...sleepy.
STATS: Our fearless contender is weighing in at 161 pounds, down 5 pounds and extremely inspired, hopeful, and (as it is 1am...)...sleepy.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Day 3 Comes to a Close...
My day was full of meetings and hub-bub on campus so I was not near my juicer or my crock-pot and blender...BUT I came prepared. I packed my green drink powder with me (enough for the grueling 8 hours of academic activity) and toted around a thermos of distilled water. I actually surprised myself today in that I was not hungry, in fact, I could have done without one of the green drinks I consumed.
Today I woke up energized, happy, and dreading my antioxidant berry drink. I hate the taste and it gives me an unpleasant rush when I drink it first thing in the morning. Which I think is interesting because when I was gearing up for this program, I anticipated the berry drink to be my favorite part of the day. Weird, huh? After I choked that down, I did my 8 min abs, 8 min arms, and 8 min legs (very retro, I know) and I felt great. Another goal I have with this program (along with detox and kick the whole diabetes thing) is to tone my muscles while loosing fat---which is important to me since I am starting a new profession soon and would like to make a good impression.
Anywho, it is late and I have an early morning ahead of me. I just weighed in and I am down to 163, right on schedule.
Today I woke up energized, happy, and dreading my antioxidant berry drink. I hate the taste and it gives me an unpleasant rush when I drink it first thing in the morning. Which I think is interesting because when I was gearing up for this program, I anticipated the berry drink to be my favorite part of the day. Weird, huh? After I choked that down, I did my 8 min abs, 8 min arms, and 8 min legs (very retro, I know) and I felt great. Another goal I have with this program (along with detox and kick the whole diabetes thing) is to tone my muscles while loosing fat---which is important to me since I am starting a new profession soon and would like to make a good impression.
Anywho, it is late and I have an early morning ahead of me. I just weighed in and I am down to 163, right on schedule.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Grad school is hard...Grad school on a diet--even harder
I didn't really think that it would be so hard to go to school and be on the detox at the same time...REALITY CHECK...I can't take a juicer to my 12o'clock class...a little disruptive dontcha think?! You should have seen the people in my class's faces, I have never seen so many wrinkled noses and repulsed faces when I busted out my clear water bottle, added my green drink powder, and shook it all up...EWWW, WHAT IS THAT? And really, why explain, most people don't/won't understand. Fortunately, Summer term is almost over.
Right now my soup sucks... it's icky. I don't know if I did it wrong or if I didnt blend it up enough...or if I didn't leave the veggies in the crock pot long enough...who knows, there's always tomorrow...and the next 19 days.
Until then...Homework...Grad school is hard...Grad school on a diet--even harder.
Right now my soup sucks... it's icky. I don't know if I did it wrong or if I didnt blend it up enough...or if I didn't leave the veggies in the crock pot long enough...who knows, there's always tomorrow...and the next 19 days.
Until then...Homework...Grad school is hard...Grad school on a diet--even harder.
The Bet is ON!!
Here's the Skinny...
My grandmother is very concerned for my health and would like for me to kick this whole diabetes thing...BUT, she knows me, she knows me WAY TOO WELL. I need something it look to, I need a goal, a mantra if you will!
THE BET: I.E. My secondary motivation:
IF I lose 30 pounds by November... I will receive a new LV or Prada bag, or the equivalant price of the bag in a shopping spree for a new wardrobe!
Seems great, but heres the twist...
IF she looses 30 lbs by November... I am her slave for a day and I have to host a dinner party for her and some friends.
Not too shabby!
SO, when we started the bet, I weighed in at 172lbs...currently I am 166 (lets do some math...) 24 POUNDS TO GO!!!
My grandmother is very concerned for my health and would like for me to kick this whole diabetes thing...BUT, she knows me, she knows me WAY TOO WELL. I need something it look to, I need a goal, a mantra if you will!
THE BET: I.E. My secondary motivation:
IF I lose 30 pounds by November... I will receive a new LV or Prada bag, or the equivalant price of the bag in a shopping spree for a new wardrobe!
Seems great, but heres the twist...
IF she looses 30 lbs by November... I am her slave for a day and I have to host a dinner party for her and some friends.
Not too shabby!
SO, when we started the bet, I weighed in at 172lbs...currently I am 166 (lets do some math...) 24 POUNDS TO GO!!!
GoodBye Premature Diabetes!

STATS: Premature Diabetic. Female, 22, 166lbs (as of yesterday), 5'6".
I am scared, nervous, excited, and everything in between, about going on this diet/detox. Today is Day 2 for me and honestly, I am tired, I have a headache, and I have to go to class in an, I know! I'm not sure how this strict routine will fit in with my school schedule, but I am going to make it work. My boyfriend (former college football player, i.e. MEAT AND POTATOES MAN) thinks I'm absolutely CRAZY for going on this plan...that’s okay...I've read enough about it to believe in what I am doing and pray for good results.
I'm just going to come out and say it...THIS IS WHAT I DON"T LIKE ABOUT MY BODY...
I hate my arms and I hate my belly. I was in a wedding two weeks ago and I recently saw the pictures from the receptions...I didn't even recognize myself! My arms reminded me of the Michelin Man---THINGS HAVE GOT TO CHANGE...and they will!
SO, this is the morning of Day 2, I have just consumed my Berry Antioxidant nastiness, I've got my Herbal Tea (White Blueberry Blossom from Starbucks to me exact!) in a to go cup, and I'm off to walk a mile...or two...
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