Saturday, August 11, 2007

Take Me Out To The Ball Game...

Popcorn has never smelled so good in my entire life! Tonight we went to our town's minor league baseball game. It was super fun but freakin' challenging as far as testing my will power goes...BUT I am proud to say I was a good girl. I sat idly by and sipped my water (3 bottles total) as others around me ate popcorn, hotdogs, beer, nachos, ice cream, and everything I am supposed to avoid. It all smelled so good, but I really didn't have any desire to eat any of it...except for the popcorn...popcorn is my to say NO to my vice was a BIG thing, very empowering actually! It’s interesting how important the SMELL of things have become to me on this deit/detox. My hunny got a hot dog and nachos, and all I wanted to do was smell them...not eat them, just smell...after I got a good long whiff of both I was satisfied...weird, huh?

SO, today marks the end of day know what that means, right?! I'm over half way done!!! WOO HOO (mini happy dance in celebration of me!) I think mid-days are the hardest for me right now, I usually get a little sluggish and bored...and dread having to clean my juicer...I really hate that. BUT there is a lovely juice bar right down the street from my place, pretty snazzy. Other than that, I feel great, I know I am losing weight because I can SEE it coming off, and I can certainly tell a difference in my attitude and the way I carry/present myself (I actually caught a [pretty cute] guy oogling me today at the Market of Choice (instant ego boost) :o)

STATS: Day 11, our contender is weighing in at 154...that’s 12 pounds down! aww, shucks...Im gettin' skinny!

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