Thursday, August 2, 2007

Grad school is hard...Grad school on a diet--even harder

I didn't really think that it would be so hard to go to school and be on the detox at the same time...REALITY CHECK...I can't take a juicer to my 12o'clock class...a little disruptive dontcha think?! You should have seen the people in my class's faces, I have never seen so many wrinkled noses and repulsed faces when I busted out my clear water bottle, added my green drink powder, and shook it all up...EWWW, WHAT IS THAT? And really, why explain, most people don't/won't understand. Fortunately, Summer term is almost over.

Right now my soup sucks... it's icky. I don't know if I did it wrong or if I didnt blend it up enough...or if I didn't leave the veggies in the crock pot long enough...who knows, there's always tomorrow...and the next 19 days.

Until then...Homework...Grad school is hard...Grad school on a diet--even harder.

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