Monday, August 6, 2007

6 days down, 15 to go!

Today I felt extremely fatigued, depleted, and sleepy. I had a headache and stomach ache all day long, because of that I was only able to get down one berry drink in the morning, one green drink in afternoon, and a few bottles of water. Probably not the most healthy for me, but you live and you learn.

Anywho...tomorrow is another day, right?! and it has to be better than today...because I have class all day tomorrow--eek!


Sonya M. said...

I have had those days too -- sleepy, I mean! I usually wake up feeling better if I get a chance to take a nap. Someone on the google group mentioned that the more you sleep, the more your body can heal (faster). Hope you feel better today!

Unknown said...

I have felt tired and fatigued throughout most of the diet until I added the B Monster drinks by Odwalla. I know it's not on the diet plan but it appears that it is totally fruit with no added sugar and tons of Vitamin B. After I added the drink I really felt a whole lot better and seem to wake up with energy. Kate