Friday, August 3, 2007

Day 3 Comes to a Close...

My day was full of meetings and hub-bub on campus so I was not near my juicer or my crock-pot and blender...BUT I came prepared. I packed my green drink powder with me (enough for the grueling 8 hours of academic activity) and toted around a thermos of distilled water. I actually surprised myself today in that I was not hungry, in fact, I could have done without one of the green drinks I consumed.

Today I woke up energized, happy, and dreading my antioxidant berry drink. I hate the taste and it gives me an unpleasant rush when I drink it first thing in the morning. Which I think is interesting because when I was gearing up for this program, I anticipated the berry drink to be my favorite part of the day. Weird, huh? After I choked that down, I did my 8 min abs, 8 min arms, and 8 min legs (very retro, I know) and I felt great. Another goal I have with this program (along with detox and kick the whole diabetes thing) is to tone my muscles while loosing fat---which is important to me since I am starting a new profession soon and would like to make a good impression.

Anywho, it is late and I have an early morning ahead of me. I just weighed in and I am down to 163, right on schedule.


Unknown said...

Keep up the good work. I'm just starting day 8 and those drinks do get to me, but I know it really is a very short period and we can do it! The reward is a healthier life and slimming down, yea for slimming down! Good luck on kicking the diabetes looks like you're on the right track. Kate

Unknown said...

If you would like to look at my site to see how I'm coping here is the URL: I have really found blogging is helping to keep me on track. Good luck in school, I know you'll when this bet! Kate