OOPS, look what I forgot to do last night...Blog! Oh well...But to sum up days 8 and 9, the words, stress, stress, more stress, and finally relief come to mind. My hunny is a teacher and some big career and life choices were made in the past 24 hours...all of which I think I slept one hour total. EEK, but we are happy with the decisions made and have some EXTREMELEY exciting things happening in the near future. (If you haven't guessed I am in graduate school to become a teacher as well)...Oh how cute...a little teaching couple...yeah, that's our life.
ANYWAY, I am glad to get that off my chest, he's accepted a job that is going to make us both very happy! Goodbye stress...at least I hope so. Needless to say, with all of this stress surrounding my life lately, I haven't kept a regimented eating--ok, more like drinking schedule. Its been pretty sporadic for me as far as when I drink the supplements, when I juice, and have soup, etc. BUT I have not cheated, and I have stuck strictly to the diet. If anything I have been consuming less than recommended...which I suppose may be a bad thing. The stress is gone now and starting tomorrow I am going to be able to get back into my normal routine, which I am very excited about.
Days 8 & 9 proved to be very energizing days...and that says a lot considering I haven't gotten much sleep. I feel great, I am definitely noticing a difference in my body, people I know are starting to make comments, "My gosh, have you lost weight?!" "You look incredible!"---all I can do is smile and think to myself..."oh yeah? This is only the half way point...wait till you see me 11 days from now!"
This diet really has been a huge confidence booster for me, and the results that I am seeing make me even more motivated to press through and continue with even more healthy weight loss. There is something about this diet that just makes you feel good about yourself, your will power, and it really makes you evaluate your personal relationship with food itself.
Right now I feel like I have reached a point where I am thinking clearly, I am excited for the next 12 days, and I am more than confident that I can make this a successful and positive experience...even though it was touch and go for a while... :o)
i have a question with this. I did read the book, and am ready to start with it. What confuses me is do i need to order the berry splash and green drinks from her mvdietdetox site? or is there somewhere in the book that tells you how to make them at home?
I found all my supplies on my own, its a lot cheaper that way. I found my berry antioxidant drink at GNC, and the green drink I have is called "greens first" you can find it at some health food stores but your best bet would be to find it online.
I hope that helps!
Hi, Your doing a great job. I really like your blog and I am getting ready to do the diet to. Do you mind if I put a link to your blog on my blog site?
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